Motorcyclist Bitten by a Dog: An Unlikely Tale



if I see them in your yard again if they

run near the yard next time I get out

here there’s no more dogs up here that’s

what I’m saying you don’t have to you

won’t have to take care of it next time

I will you kill my dog I swear



call it call

it get the away from me your dog just


me what like stop when it runs out in

front of

me that’s twice I’ve had to sit here and

tell y’all to get your things on a leash

law listen man if you wouldn’t have sit

over here and H at you I have to ha the

horn cuz the things try to run out in

front of me if you were just came back

left you alone come on man I used to

ride a bunch socker too yeah I get it

and you know that like dogs try to run

out in front of you all the time right I

get it sorry man see that I’m sorry I

mean but what you want me to do about it

I don’t buy a leash and put them on it

or put up a fence they going stay on a

leash huh think going stay on a leash my

dog stays on a leash stays on it just

fine listen man you’re out in the middle

of the country you live around here yeah

oh no I have a friend that lives right

there that I have to go down here every

time I have to slow down to turn right

here I don’t slow down right here just

so I can honk at these dogs I slow down

to turn it that driveway right there

that’s the first time I didn’t even slow

down they chased me down that driveway

and almost ran me off the side of the

road well they’ll leave you alone

they’re just I’m in your bike what do

you mean leave me alone I almost dropped

my bike and they bit me calm

down do you don’t understand why i’ be

pissed right now yes I understand but

calm down just be understanding of me

right here I’m not going to do anything

to you just understand I’d be angry I

get it but like I said they don’t like

loud noises your bike’s

loud get a leash they’ll eventually get

used to you I’ve never seen

you if it happens again I’m just I’m

just out of curiosity this this is on by

the way you know if I were to take this

up to the Sheriff’s Department who do

you think they’re going to side with on

just get used to it I don’t know dude

all I’m saying is I didn’t see them B

you well I mean I know they I’ll play

the video right now if you want me to

listen if it happens again I’ll take

care of it all right fair

enough fair enough if I see them in your

yard again if they run near the yard

next time I get out here there’s no more

dogs up here so what I’m saying you

don’t have to take you won’t have to

take care of it next time I will you

kill my dog I swear I didn’t say I was

going to kill your dog on my yor


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